Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nought Week

So this week has been what professors call Nought Week and students call Fresher's Week. This is the week before classes start and when all the students have come back to school. I will say I am enjoying students being here in Oxford. I really do get tired of the townies hanging around creeping. I had to write a 4000 word essay for my introductory seminar with Dr. Francis Warner and I had to turn it in on Thursday. I wrote an essay on Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe. I laid out the reasons why Marlowe had anti-Catholic scenes in the play by giving an overview of English politics at the time (especially having to do with religion), discussed Christopher Marlowe's life, the controversy over the play, and then did a detailed look at two scenes from the play that are the most anti-Catholic. It was very interesting, but I am glad it is over. I have to write two essays for next week. I have one due on Tuesday where I will be discussing how Mark created a new genre of literature in Biblical times. My other essay is due on Friday where I will be doing a brief history of King Henry VII. I just am busy busy busy!

Tomorrow I am auditioning for a choir, St. Michaels at NorthGate. What's nice is that it pays about 15 quid per performance. So I have to sing two songs for my audition and then sightread. We'll see how it goes.
Last night I sat back and watched lots of drama unfold and it was quite entertaining. I do rather enjoy watching drama, but I hate being in the drama. Speaking of drama, we went and say "Dial M for Murder" at the Oxford Playhouse on Wednesday and that was a lot of fun. The play was great and it was just amazing to see a play done with only 5 actors. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Tomorrow my friends and I are going to Formal Hall with some University College kids we know. I am excited for a free, good meal. Food is so expensive here. We have to dress up very nicely and the boys must wear suits or tuxedos. It should be a lot of fun. I'll keep you posted!

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